Saturday, February 23, 2008


I would like to welcome you
thank you for coming to my Ball
you each look very healthy
the rich taste best of all
Mam please stop crying
tonight I’ll set you free
after a little bit on the neck
you’ll be mine for eternity
as for the rest of you
dinner is almost served
for the lady in black
I’ll save you for dessert
I have a small secret
you might not want to hear
when dawn rolls around
you’ll have nothing more to fear
I’m sorry it ends this way
but I must eat too
you made it to easy
it’s amazing what money can do

Devils Reprieve

Can you hear my whisper
Is this what you desire
The life you seek with me
Was born of misery and fire
What brought you this night
Is your life without worth
If I grant you this wish
Hell will be your rebirth
As I’m not ready for you
At least not at this time
Cut yourself all you want
Your more useful to me alive
With your second chance at life
Down what path will you flee
You can run as far as you wish
In the end you’ll be with me.

A Childs Pain

The tears I shed
are dry and unseen
no one to hold me
nothing but this routine
as I lay cold and weak
on this concrete home
they look and stair
But for me no help will come
Cast aside like a dog
I have no future
No good memories
Just a life of torture
I see mothers and daughters
fathers with there son's
Yet I sit here and cry
Because I will feel no one's love

The Artist

I’m standing in this bathroom
regretting what I’ve done
with this needle in my arm
I hate what I’ve become
I had a good life once
lots of money and fame
so many people love me
I wish they could see my pain
everything has gotten crazy
not sure when I lost control
I should go outside now
to great my fans below
I’m standing on this ledge
with only my boxers on
they scream and cheer for me
but will they love me when I’m gone
there is a full moon tonight
freezing rain is hitting my back
at this point in time
I feel my life is under attach
as I gently fall forward
from one hundred feet up
my fans no longer cheer
they scream out in shock
I would like someone to blame
in the end there is only me
I wished for a normal life
but only in death am I free